Ours is: ONE SOUL. ONE SOCIETY. We’re approaching an ancient practice in unconventional ways to facilitate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. At Society Yoga, we’re challenging ourselves to be exactly that—ourselves.
Courtney Biancofiori
For as long as I can remember I have been in search of something deeper, something more meaningful than what I can see and touch. It wasn’t until I found yoga that this “deeper something” came alive. For me, yoga has facilitated a deeper connection with myself and the world around me. I have finally found a practice that embodies everything mind, body and soul. Having found this connection keeps me wanting more.
My favorite yoga practice is Vinyasa Power Heated! I love to flow alongside loud, upbeat and unconventional music, while challenging you to choose what is right for you at that exact moment.
Teaching yoga allows me to feed my passion in ways I never thought possible. It is absolutely magical to help facilitate the connection between the practice of yoga and the connection with oneself to those in the room. My hope is that you will leave Society Yoga feeling better than you did when you entered.
My ultimate aspiration is that we can all take the practice of yoga off of our mats and into the community around us and lead with the One Soul, One Society motto. We are all different but uniquely the same! I will always welcome you into our studio, no matter your skill level, because at Society Yoga wherever you are is the right place to be.
Kim Barrett
For me … yoga has been truly transformational in my life. Yoga continues to lead me on a powerful and spiritual journey of self-discovery and physical challenges. Everything about my yoga path resonates with my heart, and as I experience this practice day-in and day-out, it brings more purpose to my daily life.
My path to the practice of yoga was initially about healing. Due to an injury, I was forced to pause, which impacted me emotionally as much as it did physically. Yoga was my effort to remain active without pain. During this healing journey, yoga taught me to connect mind and body in a powerful way. I learned to quiet my mind, and to propel my body in new and challenging ways.
After 16 years in the fitness industry as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer, my journey continues. My passion to grow and learn to meet the ever changing needs of my clients, and myself, is what inspires me to stay current. I truly believe that yoga is for everyone and that everyone’s journey is their own. Just show up.
I offer a safe space for your yoga journey. Join me for music, sweat, energy, and stillness which I know will open your heart and leave you wanting more!
Yoga meets us where we are … one breath at a time!
Kate Spellar
My yoga journey started through the door marked “physical.” In 2009, I was training for my first half marathon, and I ended up seeing a sports medicine doctor for severe IT band issues. After several appointments, my doctor gave me a cortisone shot in my hip just so I could overcome the pain and finish my first half marathon. However, my doctor explicitly told me that I had to make a choice: I could continue to mask my pain with cortisone shots, or I could take up yoga, which would strengthen my stability muscles and essentially “fix” my IT band issues.
Shortly after, I went to my first class–power vinyasa–even though the class was recommended for advanced yogis. I told myself, “How hard can stretching be?” Well, my ego got the best of me! How is it that I can run 13 miles, but I cannot touch my toes or balance standing on one leg? This was the start of my love affair with yoga.
To date, I have completed 15 half marathons, one marathon, and two Ragnars–all without the need of cortisone shots. I am also a CrossFit addict. I have definitely put my body to the test, and yoga has helped me stay healthy and happy.
I completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training in Fall 2014. The style that I teach–Hot Freedom Flow–will challenge everyone. Those of us who like to be in control–who need to know what is about to happen next–will have to let that shit go. For those who prefer to let someone else take the lead, it’s time for you to shine and take up space on your mat and be your own guide! Each practice will be different, each sequence will be unique, just like you.
When I am not turning up the heat and music, you can find me on Purdue’s campus as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Technology. You might also catch me downtown spending some quality time with my husband and our three, basset hound-mixes: Moose, Possum, and Duck (all were rescues).
Lacey Davis
My lifestyle has always revolved around movement since the age of 3 when I took my first ballet class. For the next 15 years I practiced self discipline and instilling intention and flow to movements. In undergrad, I studied Dance as a minor, learning how to initiate movements in different styles like modern or hip hop. My favorite was discovering what dance and movement means in different cultures, be it giving thanks for a bountiful harvest or celebrating a birth, wedding, or a life lived.
Moving to Indiana for graduate school, I found Society Yoga. Here was a community with open hearts but also one that pushes you towards your upper limits. Yoga became my outlet for strength, mindfulness, fun, and challenge. Yoga was the logical next step to fuel my life and passion for learning. I wanted to explore how flows should be curated to balance stretching and strengthening. I embarked on the 200 hr yoga training journey in summer 2023. It brings me so much joy to offer the Society community a multi-style experience with classes inspired by yoga, pilates, and dance this fall.
Outside of the studio, I am a graduate student at Purdue in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering where I study human spaceflight team operations and mentor k-12 students interested in space and engineering. I love to run with my dog, spend time with friends, and weave random acts of dance throughout my day.
Grace Berry
My journey into yoga began as a means to break a sweat and enjoy time with friends. However, I soon noticed a remarkable change in my stress and anxiety levels, which have plagued me for as long as I can remember. Intrigued by this newfound sense of well-being, I found myself drawn to yoga classes more and more.
Yoga has reawakened my inner child, evoking a sense of playfulness, curiosity, and carefree spirit within me. Motivated by these feelings, I made the decision to deepen my practice by pursuing a 200-hour yoga teaching certification. As a newly certified instructor, you can expect my classes to be infused with a sense of creativity, empowerment, and humility.
I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and wisdom can come from anyone or anything. I am eager to connect with others and be a part of their unique yoga journeys. When I’m not at the studio, you’ll likely find me drawing, drinking coffee, or spending time with my cat, Billy.
Priscilla “Pri” Paradise
Life has a funny way of presenting you opportunities you weren't seeking. Initially, yoga was a way to remain flexible and do cool poses. Yoga became another "accomplishment" to showcase. Because that is how I lived: accomplish everything, be successful, be the best daughter, be the best employee...searching for the next big thing to conquer. The closer I got to my goals, the further away I was. Much like Alice in Wonderland, I was falling down a rabbit hole and could not find my way out. Despite filling my cup with success and entertaining other people's expectations, I felt empty...I felt lost. I can feel myself chasing my own tail. And then, something inside of me wanted to change.
I began to practice more yoga to clear my mind, even if it was for one hour. Not only did my body feel better, my mind felt lighter. No longer carrying the burden of wanting to be the best, I had created room to deepen my practice. The unexpected opportunity to deepen my practice came in the form of yoga teaching training through Society Yoga. Through training, I was able to peel away layers and expectations that no longer served me. Instead of looking for the next big thing, I began to look inward. Instead of looking ahead, I remained present. The empty feeling was being replaced with the feeling of the Earth underneath my feet. Wonderland was an illusion and I was able to climb out of the rabbit hole. At the end of training, I discovered what was there all along. I found Me.
As I continue on this journey of self exploration, I want to be an example for others. As a yoga instructor, I want to show that yoga is for everyone, regardless of shape or size. It is not about the perfect pose or how bendy you can be. Yoga is about the journey, the layers that can be unraveled and the exploration of your inner world. Because everything you ever needed...everything that you seek is inside of you. Everyone's journey will look and feel a little different but together, as a Society, we can find our true self. Namaste
Aly Faultless
I started my yoga practice at Society during the pandemic as a way to stay active and mentally healthy. Over the past 3 years, yoga has transformed into a hobby I deeply enjoy. I decided to take the next step and become 200-hour certified. I am still learning something new about yoga each time I step on my mat.
As a new instructor, you can expect my classes to be creative, accessible, and approached with a sense of humor. All are welcome!
Outside the studio, I am an avid reader, video gamer, and dog mom.
Fitness and an active lifestyle have always been important to me. As far back as I can remember, I prioritized taking time for daily exercise. This is just as much for my mind and mental health as it is for my physical health. Over the years, I tried about every group fitness class out there! My favorites have always been classes involving cardio, strength, or yoga.
When Kim and Courtney opened Society Yoga in 2020, I knew it was special from the moment I walked in the door. The space itself holds an aura that is simply magical. No matter what is going on outside the studio, inside the studio I feel at peace. The space called me back day after day and my love for yoga began to grow.
Yoga, at Society, is so many things. From Yin Yoga to Gentle to Power to Sculpt – there is something for everyone. For me, Society Sculpt brings all my favorite aspects of fitness together into one class. Sculpt combines cardio, strength, and yoga – which for me, is the perfect blend.
This year, the timing was right for me to embark on my 200-hour yoga teacher training. The journey taught me so much about yoga, but just as importantly, I became more grounded in who I am and my place in the universe. I found connection … connection to myself, to others around me, and to the incredible Society Yoga community.
I am honored to begin teaching at Society! You can expect my class to keep the integrity of Society Sculpt, leaving you feeling strong and energized. I look forward to seeing you in class or flowing alongside you in one of the many other classes in the studio!
Three years ago, I took my first class at Society, and that single class marked the beginning of a transformative journey with yoga. Initially I started practicing as a way to stay active but shortly after becoming a member I found out yoga is so much more. For me yoga has the power of nurturing a holistic connection between body, mind, and soul. My go-to class at the studio is Sculpt because it challenges me both physically and mentally. Each class is a journey, but my favorite part of each class is undoubtedly savasana—because it gives me the opportunity to practice meditation and embrace authenticity and self-reflection. In the midst of life's chaos, my yoga mat is my sanctuary, offering much-needed balance, serenity, and peace.
Through many tears, laughs, and sore muscles, I was able to complete my 200-hour teacher training. The experience was truly transformative—I learned so much about myself, honed my practice, and made lots of new friends. I am so excited about the opportunity to guide others on their path to personal growth through yoga.
See you on you mat!
Bailey Stephenson
My passion and love for yoga began when I was a junior in high school. After suffering two ACL tears, I was in search of a new way to move my body. I began going to yoga classes with my mom and fell in love with the practice. While I was initially in search of a physical practice, the mental journey that yoga provided me was life changing. I believe in the importance of connecting mind, body, and spirit, and I encourage yogis in my classes to find their own unique and beautiful expressions of each pose.
I earned my 200 RYT from CorePower Yoga in Denver, Colorado, in the summer of 2022. I began teaching in the fall of 2022 and have continued instructing since then. The community and connections that yoga brings me are something I will forever be grateful for. I love learning about my yoga students' lives outside of the mat and chatting before class. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to meet the wonderful community members at Society Yoga!
Yoga has brought a new spark into my life and provided me with an outlet to release my worries and anxieties. I began teaching yoga my sophomore year of college, and continuing to instruct throughout my academic journey has been greatly beneficial for me. My mat is my safe space, and I believe that our breath is a very powerful tool. The mental clarity yoga has provided me through challenging times is something that I hope everyone can experience. My goal is to create a nurturing space on the mat that leads to creativity, gratitude towards self, and physical movement.
Outside of teaching, I enjoy cooking, exploring new coffee shops, walking, and spending time with friends and family. I am looking forward to connecting with everyone and building meaningful relationships!